Land crab molts

Today we were exploring high ground about 60 feet from the water’s edge and came upon a fresh molt from a land crab. As with all crustaceans, land crabs must molt as they grow, so they shed their old shell. While their new shell hardens, they are very vulnerable. This molt was still pliable, and as I knelt down to touch it, a large crab climbed over some coconuts to get further away from me. While I can’t be sure, I think it was his old shell and he was startled that we came by so soon after his molt.

I took his molt back to Lr3, cleaned it up and positioned it. It’s now on display as an educational tool. Thanks big guy!

  • June 21, 2023
  • 1104 local time
  • Air temperature: 84F
  • Moon phase: 11% waxing, 3 days past new moon
  • Likely species: Cardisoma guanhumi